Sunday, 25 October 2020


Heavy Duty
Watercolour and Ink on Paper
240mm x 135mm (9.5" x 5.25")

"Rust" is the last topic in the "Metallic Impressions" chapter of Creating Textures in Pen & Ink with Watercolor by Claudia Nice. This is the largest section in the chapter. Claudia provides advice about depicting rust on household objects and rusty objects in the landscape - like abandoned tractors and corrugated iron roofs. 

I couldn’t find many interesting rusty objects in or around the house and I didn’t want to work from a photograph. I settled for this adjustable spanner that is showing signs of age. The treatment is based on still life examples from John Lovett's books, videos and online content.

Sunday, 11 October 2020

Drawing and Painting the Landscape – Pencil Drawing (Part 2)


In the Dunes
Pencil Drawing - Drawing and Painting the Landscape

Pencil on Paper
15cm x 20cm (6" x 7.75")

This is a second drawing in response to the Pencil Drawing section in Drawing and Painting the Landscape by Philip Tyler (see Drawing and Painting the Landscape - Pencil Drawing)

This is based on a photo of the beach at Walberswick - which appeared on the earlier post (Drawing and Painting the Landscape - Duotone).

I am moving on to the Mixed Media lesson, but will incorporate more pencil drawings into my sketching. I want to find a way of making them appear looser and more spontaneous. I am planning to buy some fatter lead holders (5.6mm) to allow me to quickly cover more paper – that might help.