Sunday, 2 October 2011

Ten-Minute Form Studies

Sporty Elaine
Ten-Minute Form Study - 25 September 2011
Lithograph Crayon on Paper
34cm x 37cm (13.5" x 14.5")

This is a ten-minute form study from the Natural Way to Draw. It is a cross between a gesture drawing (see Gesture Drawing) and a modelled drawing (see Modelled Drawing) and surprisingly takes 10 minutes - which is not a lot of time.

The book describes it as a cross between gesture drawing and weight drawing (see Weight Drawing), but I think it has more in common with modelled drawing because you use pressure on the crayon to show how the form moves towards you and away.

Elaine says that I’ve given her a pole dancer’s pony tail, but I think it has more of the look of Sporty Spice.

I am trying to get more practice doing modelled drawings of anatomy. The picture at the bottom of the post is of my left foot. Somehow I’ve made it look more unpleasant than it really is, but I am pleased that it has a solid three-dimensional feel like the shoe in the previous post (see The Return of Modelled Drawing).

I’ve been doing a lot of travelling recently and have not had much chance to paint. I have three paintings on the go and should have at least one ready to post before next weekend.

My Left Foot
Modelled Drawing - 1 October 2011
Lithograph Crayon on Paper
28cm x 48.5cm (11" x 19")

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